What are Yoga Balls™️?
Yoga Balls™️ is a simple and effective method that allows you to take charge of your health by using flexible, grippy rubber balls to massage, knead and stretch your muscles and connective tissues. The Yoga Balls™️ class context not only allows for deep massage and relaxation, but also gives participants the opportunity to learn more about their anatomy and ways to improve their lifestyle habits. No traditional yoga posture (asana) is taught, but the practice is still based on the foundations of yoga, namely deep listening to oneself, breathing and mindfulness.

What does practicing Yoga Balls™️ bring?
The practice of Yoga Balls™️ allows you to explore the points or regions of your body that have been used excessively, insufficiently or inappropriately. It contributes to the healing of various musculoskeletal injuries (tendinitis, capsulitis, bursitis, plantar fasciitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, etc.), helps reduce or eliminate tension and back pain (lumbar sprain, sacroiliac problem , herniated disc), hips, knees, feet, elbows, hands, neck and shoulders, treat digestive and respiratory problems, facilitate the management of stress and anxiety and relieve aches and pains headaches and migraines.
In summary, self-massage techniques with therapeutic balls allow:
- to reduce or eliminate pain;
- improve your posture;
- reduce stress levels;
- increase the mobility of your joints
- release tension in your muscles;
- to improve your sports performance.
Are Yoga Balls™️ for everyone?
The big advantage of this method is that it is aimed at people with loss of mobility as well as professional athletes, and both children and adults! Anyone who has a body and wants to improve their overall health (physical and mental) will benefit from the benefits of practicing Yoga Balls™️.
Can we adapt the practice of Yoga Balls™️ according to our state of health?
YES ! It is important to discover this practice with a certified Yoga Balls™ specialist who knows the modifications to propose according to client needs. For example, a person with loss of mobility can massage different parts of their body while sitting in a chair. A pregnant woman should not place a ball directly on her uterus and should therefore move to the wall so as not to put pressure on her stomach. Some techniques — there are nine in all — are gentler and therefore better suited to people who are very tense or injured. Other techniques are particularly recommended for healing certain injuries or improving sports performance.

Is ball massage painful?
The sensations during the massage should be comfortable and never cause pain. Under no circumstances should the massage interfere with the fluidity of breathing or cause muscle contractions (spasms), shocks or numbness. It is always possible to reduce the pressure if the sensations are too intense. A certified teacher will be able to suggest a different technique or a different format of balls or the ball. These tools are specifically designed for full body bullet massage. The varied formats of the balls, their density, their grippy texture and their net allow you to massage the body in the most effective way possible.

Tennis balls or anti-stress balls sold in stores are often too hard, too soft, smooth or slippery and do not allow the people who use them to properly perform self-massage techniques. We strongly recommend using REAL tools, namely the TRP™ therapy balls sold in ouronline store or in certain yoga studios, gyms or physiotherapy, massage therapy clinics, etc. The balls sell between €19.95 and €44.95, which is very low considering that they offer the possibility of massaging yourself several times a day, reducing or eliminating pain or tension and preventing numerous injuries (as well as the medical costs associated with the treatment of these injuries)!
Are there any contraindications?
Yes, as with any practice. First, bullets are not a substitute for supervised health care. It is always best to consult a healthcare professional with any questions regarding an injury or medical condition (hemophilia, taking anticoagulants, etc.). Otherwise, although balls are an effective rehabilitation tool when used correctly, you should avoid pressing them on a recent injury to avoid worsening tissue damage. You should also never perform massage directly on a bruise, open wound or broken bone.
It is possible to massage almost the entire body using the balls, but you should avoid pressing firmly on the following regions of the body: inguinal ligament (groins), throat/trachea, xiphoid appendage (tip of the sternum), regions near the bones of people with osteoporosis, carpal tunnel (inside the wrist), coccyx and sciatic nerve at the height of the hamstring muscles.
Discover the Yoga Balls™️
Yoga Balls™️ Family KitYoga Balls™️ Family Kit
- Regular price
€89,95 - Regular price
€113,70 - Sale price
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Yoga Balls™️ Starter KitYoga Balls™️ Starter Kit
- Regular price
€59,95 - Regular price
€73,80 - Sale price
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TRP™️ Twin BulletsTRP™️ Twin Bullets
- Regular price
€19,95 - Regular price
- Sale price
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TRP™️ Mama BalloonTRP™️ Mama Balloon
- Regular price
€19,95 - Regular price
€0,00 - Sale price
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